Article 9

Article 9

We must be careful with legalization of marijuana

(Summary by Hannah)

This article is strongly anti-legalization, discussing the ramifications of allowing weed to be accessible to the public, especially for youth. Author James D. Kellogg writes that the number of young pot users has climbed fifty percent during the year of 2011, and with legalization possibly on the voting ballot in 2012, he warns the community to realize what’s at stake. He admonishes that marijuana creates psychological dependence in youth who seek to escape reality, distancing them further from school and extracurriculars and inhibiting these kids from developing adult coping skills and logic. He says that the government has publishes data that demonstrates people who use marijuana are more likely to use cocaine and heroin, calling legalization a “slippery slope”. He ends the article stating that marijuana is still illegal under federal law, and that even Colorado citizens who work in government jobs could be prosecuted. His main argument in this article is that weed has a negative impact on the social skills of youth, and that legalization is basically opening Pandora’s box. He values the safety of youth and community over everything.

You can read the article yourself here:

Kellogg, J. D. (2011, August 2). We must be careful with legalization of marijuana. Retrieved from