The Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado – Should it have happened?

The Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado – Should it have happened?

FALL 2019


We are here to promote KNOWLEDGE and civil discourse. (Oh, god! That’s my favorite thing.)

We are Rachel and Hannah, freshmen at Bridgewater college. During our first semester at Bridgewater, all freshmen take a seminar-style class called PDP. There are a multitude of PDP classes available, with content ranging from zombie apocalypses to chickens. Our PDP class deals with controversial news events and how journalists frame them. All semester, we have been reading articles, watching videos, writing papers, and discussing as a class various news events. As a final project, we get to choose our own topics and, along with leading a class discussion on the topic, create a website that showcases our topic to the public. We are here to promote knowledge and civil, intellectual discussions.

The news events we chose is the legalization of marijuana in Colorado back in 2012 and then the opening of recreational marijuana stores in Colorado in 2014. This naturally leads to a discussion on the legalization of marijuana anywhere in the United States. On this website, you will find 10 news articles that offer varying viewpoints on the legalization of marijuana, specifically in Colorado. You will also find a podcast Hannah and I have created that delves into our own views on the legalization of marijuana and the values we hold that guided these views. We hope that the information we provide helps to form your own opinions on the legalization of marijuana and equips you to engage in this important societal dialogue.

To begin, here is an overview of the topic in the form of a PowToon. Enjoy!