

Showker Prize Competition Websites

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2018/2019 competition

Below are the current student teams competing in the 2018/2019 Showker Prize Competition at Bridgewater College.

Greenhouse on the Go
Moving Borders
Eagle’s Health
Young American Sustainable Solutions Network
Calm Yourself
Team Octopus
Campus Cooks
Paw Patrol

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2017/2018 competition

Below are the past team sites that competed in the 2017/2018 Showker Prize Competition at Bridgewater College.
Stress Repellent
How to Harrisonburg

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2016/2017 compeition

Below are the past team sites that competed in the 2016/2017 Showker Prize Competition at Bridgewater College.
The Resistance
Unbendable Rain
The Cactus Rebellion
The Stigma Ends Now