Embed Documents

Embed Documents

As you’re building your site or blog, you may not want to just link a document on your site, but rather embed the document into the page.

Watch this video or read through the tutorial below.


Embedding a Document

This will be extremely useful for your courses or your FILA 450 portfolio! This allows a viewer to see a document on your site without having to download anything first.

To embed a document in your site first open the Page you want to embed it in. For this example, I am going to edit Page 2. Click the plus (+) button on the page you want to edit, and scroll down to the Embeds drop down menu and click the Document block. After adding the block, click the Add Document button.

Screenshot of Gutenberg blocks

You will have two methods to add a document. The first method allows you to embed/upload a document from your hard drive, and the second method allows you to link a document from a URL. The option we are going to choose the Upload Document method. You are able to upload Word Docs, PowerPoints, Excel files, and PDF’s!

Screenshot of Gutenberg Document block upload screen

Select the document of your choice from your computer and click Insert. You can adjust these settings if you want, but the default should be fine. Under the “Show Download Link” option, you can select if you want other users to be able to download your document! If these settings are the way you want, click Insert at the bottom right-hand side of the screen.

Screenshot of Document block settings

Your document will now be embedded into the page! Remember to click “Update” or “Publish” on the top right-hand side of the screen to save your page. View your site by clicking on the house icon to see what the document you embedded looks like.

Screenshot of embedded document


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