Tunisian Revolution Podcast

Tunisian Revolution


Purpose and Overview

As the issues surrounding the four guiding questions on this website became clear, it became clear that three major conflicts of value inform the various opinions of the authors represented here and other observers of the Tunisian Revolution. These conflicts force observers to determine what they value and how their values shape their opinions on the Tunisian Revolution. In order to further explore these values and determine their own stances on issues, the creators of this website also created a podcast in which they discuss their values in relation to the issues presented by the Tunisian Revolution. The five parts of this podcast can be found below.

Part One: Introduction

Length: 1:36

In this section of the podcast, Gibson and Woodward introduce their podcast and the three major value conflicts they will be examining. These three value conflicts include “Stability vs. Democracy,” “Social Solutions vs. Economic Solutions,” and “Defining Success.”

Part Two: Economic Solutions and Social Solutions

Length: 10:35

In this section of the podcast, Gibson and Woodward discuss their views of Tunisia’s next steps. Gibson takes the position that, in order to build a more stable and prosperous nation, Tunisians need to focus on solving their economic ills, while Woodward says that Tunisia needs to place a greater emphasis on solving its social and political issues. Each speaker defends their own points by looking at contemporary societies, historical precedents, and other evidence. 

Part Three: Stability and Democracy

Length: 11:40

In this section, Gibson and Woodward discuss the importance of stability and security compared to the importance of democracy. Examining the Tunisian Revolution from the perspective of foreign observers, Gibson and Woodward recommend different policies towards Tunisia based on their differing values. Woodward takes the position that it is more important to promote liberal democracy in Tunisia, while Gibson argues that it is more important that foreign nations work to preserve the stability of Tunisia and defend global security.

Section Four: Defining Success

Length: 17:37

In this section, Gibson and Woodward examine the various definitions of success which observers have used to judge the Tunisian Revolution, and attempt to determine what definition of success they use in relation to the Tunisian Revolution. In order to determine the definition of a successful revolution, Gibson and Woodward first establish criteria by which they define a successful state.

Part Five: Conclusion

Length: 5:17

In this section, Gibson and Woodward conclude their discussion of the Tunisian Revolution and revisit the discussions from earlier in the podcast. Gibson and Woodward restate their values and and positions on the Tunisian Revolution.