Favorite Things

Harry Potter

I did not even know about Harry Potter until after I graduated college in 2005! But after college, I met some friends who liked going to the midnight showings of the movie premiers. I went with them to the premier of “Order of the Pheonix” in 2007 and have loved the series ever since. I have read the books three times and listen to the audio books regularly. This past April I got to see Harry Potter World in Universal Studios. It was awesome!

Big Bang Theory

When I was home with a toddler and a newborn, this show kept me laughing and sane.🤪 I really loved Penny and Sheldon’s relationship and the show’s storyline.

Dance Moms

Please don’t judge me!😆 But I watched Dance Moms when it first came out and now I’m watching it again because Christi and Kelly created a podcast that reflects on the show and how awful Abby was and continues to be. I danced all the way through college, so I find it all very fascinating.