Bus 330 Assignment 2

Name: Hiep N. Nguyen

Major: Finance and Business Economics

Minor: Philosophy & Religion


  • Rugby (Bridgewater College 2018)
  • Stock trading
  • Fitness, Health, and Nutrition
  • Real Estate
  • Entrepreneurship

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Pg 69 #6

All ACC Majors

Fname Lname ID Major
Tom Smith 222-7 ACC
Alan Bidgoli 333-9 ACC
Jack Tucker 234-1 ACC


All ACC Majors w/ GPA > 3.7

Fname Lname ID Major GPA
Alan Bidgoli 333-9 ACC 3.86
Jack Tucker 234-1 ACC 3.92


All ACC & MIS Majors

Fname Lname ID Major
Mary Jones 111-1 MIS
Tom Smith 222-7 ACC
Alan Bidgoli 333-9 ACC
Susan Brown 666-1 MIS
Moury Bidgoli 777-2 MIS
Jack Tucker 234-1 ACC


All Non-ACC Majors

Fname Lname ID Major
Mary Jones 111-1 MIS
Brian Stark 444-6 MKT
Steve Kline 555-6 MGT
Susan Brown 666-1 MIS
Moury Bidgoli 777-2 MIS
Janet Jeffrey 888-0 MGT
Andy Thomas 999-2 MKT


Pg 90 #6

3 guidelines telecommuters need to follow:

Telecommuting arrangements should be made as an alternative work arrangement for individual employees where it is in the best interest of the company and the employee. For this to be arranged, employees should:

  1. In any work arrangement, be expected to meet the same performance standards as otherwise required, and supervisors/managers will be expected to use the same performance review criteria that were previously applicable.
  2. Ensure a safe and suitable work-space that is appropriately confidential and free of distractions and interruptions that may interfere with work. Where applicable, telecommuters should find ways to maintain a distinct separation between work activities and personal activities.
  3. Understand that the company owns any/all software, data, reports, text and graphics created because of work-related activities. All terms and conditions of employment, duties, responsibilities, and work ethics should remain unchanged as a result of the telecommuting arrangement.

3 guidelines the company needs to follow to achieve personal & organizational objectives:

  1. Determine whether the employee is a good candidate for telecommuting. (Consider factors such as, but not limited to, completion of the probationary period, satisfactory performance, and the ability to work independently.)
  2. Provide time recording systems/forms to record telecommuting hours as well as determine how work will be assigned and performance measured.
  3. Prevent the arrangement from burdening the employee’s co-workers.

3 examples of IT that could help company monitor telecommuters

  1. Online payroll services and HR solution software like ADP and Intuit is used to keep track of the amount of money the company pays to its employees by recording the employees hours worked and the rate of the wage payable.
  2. Software like TeamViewer that allow the company supervisors to remotely connect to a person’s computer to see what is happening on their screens to keep track of employee activities in real time as a measure of accountability.
  3. Repositories and collaborative web-based platforms like Sharepoint for document management and storage for the company in managing telecommunication.

Citation: https://www.chr.ucla.edu/hr-administration/compensation-and-classification/ucla-staff-employee-telecommuting-guidelines