Emily Morris, Team Leader, Junior, Spanish & Liberal Studies
“Leading this team has presented challenges that I haven’t encountered in other positions of leadership. I didn’t campaign for the job, nor was there any certain rubric involved. I had to learn how to manage time, plan ahead, and delegate tasks in a way that I have not had to do previously. I felt discouraged at times, and I know my teammates did, too. Thankfully, our vision for the project and passion for change sustained us in moments of doubt. I am so glad we decided to stick with our initiative, and I am grateful for all the ways I have grown as a leader. I am so excited to continue to develop the CCC with my group members during the summer!”


Florencio Figueroa, Senior, Psychology & Spanish
“I knew there was a lot of need in our community, especially in helping new Americans get settled in, but after we started to talk to volunteers and people in the community, I realized that I could not just sit back and let these organizations do all the work. They would never be able to provide assistance to everyone that needs it. So, this is part of how I’m contributing to provide assistance to all the needs. I might not be able to help everyone that needs help, but I will help those that I’m able to.”


Grey Robinson, Senior, Philosophy and Religion                                                                             “This journey has been difficult, but rewarding. I will walk away from this year understanding how to accomplish a lofty goal over an extended period of time. When I leave Bridgewater, I plan to take a job that is similar to the work we’ve been doing. I’m going to take the skills I’ve learned in terms of coordination and interviewing and apply them to directly to my career.”


Allison Henry, Sophomore, Sociology
“The project made me a better leader by making me more comfortable collaborating with people I don’t know yet. Typically, I would be hesitant to call or email people that I haven’t met but this project has encouraged me to introduce myself to people I’m unfamiliar with.”


Khaled Jarwan, Senior, Business                                                       “This project has allowed me to get to know my community outside of Bridgewater, and I have enjoyed being able to use my first language to help my team communicate with people they would otherwise not be able to talk to easily.”