Our Team


Our team Moving Borders was established in September 2018 with the goal to improve communication between students and the Career Services Office.

We have been meeting every Thursday in order to achieve all of our goals and help students of BC in their future careers.



Syrga Kanatbek kyzy is the team leader of the group who brought the team together. She is a senior, studies Global Studies and Economics.



Sofia Martinez Garcia del Real from Spain is responsible for the communication aspect of the team. She studies Advertising and Public Relations as a Junior.



Alan Bowman is a senior Computer Sciences major. He is handling the technical part of our project and making sure it is sustainable




Josh Matheney is also a senior computer science major. He has worked on the technical part of the project. He designed the website.



Luke is a junior Honors student studying political science. Throughout our project, Luke analyzed survey data, written reports summarizing the findings and created content for the project.